Sunday, August 29, 2010

color in the midst of none

the annual buggy barn quilt show held in the middle of some wheat fields where the buggy barn is located near Reardan, Washington.

take a dusty road to get to the destination and you will find lots of beautiful quilts.  the above quilt was one of the patterns we bought.  my husband was with me and really loved it.  His favorite holiday is Halloween.  Of course I have YET to make a quilt but soon. 

was fun.  Although I have to admit after going to the sisters oregon quilt show in July well I was spoiled by that show.  but we had a great time

this would have been a great shot if people weren't around but I guess that would never happen. lol

1 comment:

  1. I am taking a Buggy Barn class here in Maryland next week. I am looking forward to it. It looks like you picked yourself a complicated pattern....looking forward to you starting to quilt.


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