Friday, April 22, 2011


Today's song is a song that inspires you.

time and tide

This is a song that can really get me up and moving doing projects around the house.

It is an older song 2007 I think.

Might be considered jazzy??

the clue is a composite of the two words in the song.

Took a picture of the pacific ocean on a visit to the pacific northwest area.

the clock on top is an old fashioned clock found in the spokane house.

the song is by Basia call Time and Tide.


  1. That is a beautiful photo. You have such a knack for photography.

  2. You should teach me how to take photos. Love this one.

  3. hahaha, 2007 is old? My favorite songs must be ancient? hahaha. I love how you put the 2 pictures together.
    - ourhometoyoursx


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