Welcome to my blog this blog started out as a 365 a day blog to help improve my love of taking pictures. I am just a hobbyist and part time at that due to working for a living and many other hobbies. No idea where this blog will end up in the future but hope it will continue to grow as my skills improve and share with others both to inspire and learn from. I like to particpate in challenges when I can and like to promote others photo blogs.
I love to travel and see the world both near and far as much as possible and plan to share it with you here. I also plan to show you some things I have learned about photography and photoshop along the way. I swore long ago I would never use photoshop but I have to bow now and say never say never. I have found ways to improve what I have but never will i intentionally deceive I am always upfront with my alterations many of which are very noticeable when I work with textures.
Please leave me a comment and your blog or website so I can do the same.
CONTACT ME: Stampmouse@gmail.com
Stampmouse the origin:: some of you have asked about my email stampmouse. I have had this for many years. It started when I first started rubber stamping as a hobby somewhere around 1995 hence the stamp in the name. Mouse has always been my nickname since I was a child. An uncle gave it to me because I was small.