Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shadows week 8

Shadow    Standing tall

To make shadows you need light something we haven't seen much since we have had a million days of rain. But Monday there was a bit of sunshine after work so the dog and I walked. Taken with my phone and edited in snapseed

See other shadow post at this link.

52 Photos Project


  1. That's a great shot. I love the way he looks like an almost formless monster, and then you see the bit of normal, every day dog who cast the shadow! Not that the dog isn't special, but the image. =)

  2. Yes, it's a terrific shot!love it.

  3. PS: And I love your blog title/ warrior name!!!

  4. A big shadow for a little dog! Great shot.

  5. great shot!
    and while I'd trade a little bit of our sun for a cloudy day that brought rain, it would only be for a day!

  6. I love this one!
    Thank you for linking up this week :)


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