Wednesday, September 7, 2011

bear with me


I can say one of the most amazing things we saw are the bears.  I have NEVER been this close to a bear before.  probably 6 feet away.  yes we were in a car and not allowed out and there was what looked to be a short electric fence but none the less these bears were so close wow.   the size of their paws were amaing.  a beast not to be taken likely and make sure you read my disclaimer on the first post of this series.


looks like he is contiplating life doesn't he?? or maybe just whether or not to eat just one more piece of bread?


  1. Oh my goodness you are very close to that beautiful creature. B
    Your words are very true on the comment you left on my blog. I learn something new everyday. I was just excited about one year I love my followers and am very grateful for them. B

  2. Whoa! that gives me the shivers! I am terrified of bears and also in awe of them - they are magnificent creatures.

  3. Truly magnificent creatures, and what wonderful photos!

  4. That first shot is amazing! I've never been that close to a bear either. We have one at our local zoo, but he's always far away and of course behind a very tall enclosure. Though I live right by the Rockies so I'm sure I could encounter one, but I'd prefer to just look at your pictures. :)


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