Friday, December 11, 2009

345/365 christmas dog

every year we get a shot of the dog in front of the tree much to his dislike. he is not fond of the hats. I picked this one up last year on clearance the year before he was a reindeer and before that an elf.
trying to decide which picture we like best. my husband likes the top one and I like the bottom one though neither of them poor little Duncan looks to happy in.

Might need to shoot some more


  1. Both are adorable and he doesn't look mad so I think that is a positive...hee hee.

  2. Oh my GOSH he is just adorable and you did a beautiful job on that photo. The lighting is amazing and it's so crisp and perfect! I don't think he looks mad at all. I think the bottom one is my fav because of the eye contact with the camera, but in the top one he has a sort of 'regal air.' (You've inspired me - I feel a doggy blog entry comin' on!)

    BTW: Thanks so much for that article! I think the blog is a great advertising tool, so I'm going to keep mine going. I thought that part about Google reading the first 100 words is interesting and I may have to think about using that better.

    Merry Christmas!


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