Sunday, November 8, 2009

312/365 black and white or not

Poor Duncan he is growing to hate his picture taken I think.

You all are my guinea pigs at testing and trying out things so thought I would share a light bulb moment that went off for me. Knowing when to convert a picture to black and white and when not to has been a learning process. I am finally starting to see tonal qualities and was proud when I figured it out on this batch of picture without even trying. Well at least for taking pictures of my favorite subject. my dog Duncan

the above image DOES NOT work for converting to black and white. It just looks to blah and looks better in color. the tonal range isn't there so when it is converted (see below) there is no depth to it.

Now this image does. there are plenty of variance that can make the image pop as a black and white.

I could have boosted up some of it in photo shop as well to add more contrast but you get the idea.


  1. Your little doggie is so cute! And what a great sport to pose for you! Love the b&w one with the blanket background.

  2. Thanks for the quick lesson - he's adorable!


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