me on my first ever kayak and snorkeling trip. this I shall remember
first off these are all taken with a new little point and shoot that I am really liking. I still need to actually develop a few pictures to check out how much I really like it but so far its a big thumbs up. Its a waterproof and consider a tough camera hard to break. I was never very happy with my last point and shoot
its a Pentax WG3 16 megapixel camera more on it here:
what I like: waterproof, tough casing, battery and photo card are in a double locking compartment so it wont flip open on you, love the feel in my hand and the shape is great. the only down side so far is the strap is a carabiner strap so I had to add a regular strap to it so I can hold it on my wrist. the battery life is great but that is with most electronics anymore
back to the trip. We paddled out 2 miles in the ocean the water wasn't to bad but hubby and I just couldn't sync our paddling for anything. I was in front and I think he gave up several times. I heard the remark at one point about next time getting a single kayak. hmmmm
we reached our little cove and put on our snorkel gear. well I had a major panic attack just couldn't do the mask and then the snorkel. even with coaxing from hubby and the group leader. so by this point I was done i put on the life jacket and headed for the rocks. was content to watch everyone from there
Hubby was worried about me so he didn't spend a lot of time down under
we had a light lunch including pineapple with a chocolate covered macadamia carmel candie together which is to die for.
several jumped from the cliff which really temped me but after the attack thought it wise I not attempt it. hubby did though
he loved it
this was a fellow passenger that had broken his arm 4 weeks ago and still in a cast but he was on his honeymoon. great chap from the UK we had so much fun chatting with them. needless to say he was very sore afterwards and we still had to paddle back which the clouds were starting to come in so they were rushing us to the boats.
hubby jumps in from the rock fine and turns around to watch me jump in which went fine and then he gets a snorkel full of water and starts to go into distress and has to be helped to the kayak. he gets there and what happens next? well my arms were to short to reach the other side of the kayak and instead i flip him back into the water. so we both get helped in his sunglasses float to the bottom of the ocean. we start to make our way back and 4 others flip their boats. the water is getting really choppy now and the next 2 miles were a lot harder then the 2 in. it was a fun 7 hours though despite the issues.
finally making it back to shore we both decided a beer was definitely in order
we walked around the town a bit and then headed back to the ship. so not to many other pictures of kona except this one
would I do it again? no not snorkeling I actually hate confined spaces one of the reasons I left the military was the gas mask. would I kayak again. yes I would try river kayaking and probably choose a single seater as well.
Kayaking is definitely on my bucket list. Sorry for your troubles, I think I would have gone for something stronger than a beer. lol.
ReplyDeleteI love kayaking. Snorkeling - well, I've never done it and don't have any desire to. I probably would've had a panic attack too.