the trail of the hiawatha starts in montana and ends in idaho, at least on the down trip. It is a converted old railroad track to bike trail and a must if you visit the area. about 2 hours (give or take) from Spokane its a perfect day trip.
helmets and headlamps or strong bike lamps are required.
the longest tunnel is the taft tunnel and is 1.66 miles long. very dark, damp and usually full of puddles but that adds to the fun. there are a total of 8 tunnels to go through on the 13 mile long ride down.
at the end of the taft tunnel is a great surprise a small waterfall
there are 7 trestles along the way
the views are beautfiul no matter what time of the year you go in the spring there are flowers galore these in august are just about gone
sometimes you can see deer and once we saw a moose.
I only had my point and shoot so not the best shots. for more information on the trail check the website here:
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