Friday, September 14, 2012

blowing in the wind

recently i went to an outdoor quilt show in Reardon, Washington.  It is out in the middle of a wheat field and usually a fun little show.  this year the wind was blowing like crazy.  making picture taking hard and with the grass seed kicking up in the air causing allergy problems so we didn't stay long.

here a few pictures that I liked

I waited and waited for the quilts to come down patience isn't my best friend so this was the best shot

buggy barn quilt show 2012

buggy barn quilt show 2012

I love how they cover the barns with quilts

buggy barn quilt show 2012

even the bathroom inside is covered with quilts
buggy barn quilt show 2012

yeah scotties these could be turned into white and made into westies so I had to get a picture of them

buggy barn quilt show 2012

I bought the book to make this quilt the last time I came.  and have I done it yet?? of course not don't be silly stash is being made for sometime in the future when time is more on my side

buggy barn quilt show 2012

1 comment:

  1. Love this post - quilts are so cool
    I stop by from the postcard swap for a quick peak at your blog


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