Wednesday, June 22, 2011

out to dry

washington dc 2011_1199

while back east we spent a little time around amish country in lancaster, PA.  it may seem a little silly to take a picture of laundry hanging out to dry but it amused me.   It also reminded me of when I was a kid and mom would hang out the clothes to dry in the summer.  mmmm the sheets always smelled so good when they came back in. 


  1. I almost miss the days when every one had a clothes line in the back yard - sheets dried in the country air are amazing.

  2. I visited Lancaster County about 25 years ago and bought a Tshirt there with 'I Love Intercourse' on it! It had a big Museum of Amish Quilts and a huge Country Store there. I still dry my washing outside too!!


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