Saturday, May 14, 2011

hats off to america

lincoln's hat

ok are you sick of the american history museum yet??? I could show more but I will make this the last one and move on. 

Lincoln's hat of course is fitting to the end to his section of pictures. 

Again the blur in photoshop really helped bring this back to life and make it stand out.  I understand why everything is in cased because I know I would be touching things and that would destroy them but sure makes it tough to get a decent picture of.


  1. I am so not tired of the museum pics!

    This photo turned out really well.

  2. You managed to have a clear shot and there is no reflection t all. Hats off to you!

    Over here, we are not allowed to bring cameras into the museum.

  3. What a wonderful shot, so much history, so much emotion.

  4. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have guessed it was behind glass! :)


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