took this picture a couple of weeks ago while looking for some fall colors. its ok not great. So I spent a couple hours playing around in photo shop elements (something I rarely do) and thought I would doll it up.
this is what I came up with first. I put a poster edge on it and then a defused glow. kinda cool and if you enlarge it it really makes it look a bit cartoony. but it was still blah to to me.
This is my final attempt and I am happier with it though now that I look at it the frame is a bit off hmmm will have to go back and fix that later. believe me I spent more time figuring out how to add a dang frame then anything. the clue is to increase canvas size I kept trying to decrease and figuring out how to add a layer of black grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I told you I rarely do much other than a quick fix on my photos in photo shop.
Anyhow what I did to get this effect was took the second image and added a water paper and then increased the saturation of the red and yellows in the picture.
what do you think??
Definitely perks it up! Don't you just HATE it when you finally figure out how to use a tool in PSE, only to forget how you did it 10 minutes later?! LOL!