Sunday, December 6, 2009

340/365 America concert

Tonight we went to the America concert. Free tickets SCORE!! not to mention a free steak dinner. It was an awesome concert. For a couple of guys that are close to 60 they put on a great show. they sang well over a dozen songs (lost track after that)

we ended up buying the cd for me and shirt for hubby.
And we were lucky enough to be second in line for signing. Stupid point and shoot I forgot to take it off no flash which is what I shot the above with but when I shot them I didn't get it enough to focus. oh well
If they come near you the show is worth seeing.

As they say we are not oldie rock but Classic rock. Rock on for another 39 years guys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you - classic rock is the best. I'll watch for the concert. Great shot of the concert!


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