Friday, April 10, 2009

99/365 April 9

we had some major road construction start this week and because of it I have to go about 4 miles out of my way to get to where I am going. hmmm this will last many many months. But because of that I traveled a road I don't go on much and caught this great sunset today. it would have been better about 3 min before but couldn't get to a good spot to pull over.

well this is blurry crud hate that little camera. Not only never really happy with the pictures or is it I am just spoiled by the other camera. Anyhow not only never really happy with the pictures but can never see if they are blurry. but look back to the land of the living. YEAHH no headache.


  1. Happy Easter, Laura! What a lovely sunset! For a while I was taking a camera with me everywhere and was able to capture a few cool photos here and there. I should start doing that again, it was fun! You never know when a perfect photo opportunity will present itself.

  2. Lovely sunset! I guess that was a bonus for you having to detour!


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