Tuesday, March 3, 2009


well the snow is melting and some sad news it looks like for my yard. I have 3 rhododendrons in my front yard and two of them look like this one flattened and broken limbs. I guess 5 plus feet of snow is not good for some plants. I will try to cut them back when it gets a bit warmer and hope for the best but I don't have high hopes for 2 of them. I can probably save my red twig dogwood they actually seem to thrive when I cut them back but the rhodes grow so slow not sure that is going to work for them.

another month down and 10 to go gesh before you know it, it will be winter and snowing again ugh that is not a pleasant thought

ps. picture was accidently deleted dang it and I liked it to oh well life happens


  1. Aww....good luck reviving the rhododendron -- I love those but we can't grow them here.

  2. I sure hope they will come back!


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